Tips on children’s mental health by a psychologist

Depression, stress and anxiety do not affect only adults, who go through worries about money, work and health, but kids too, in which signs of emotional unbalance may go unnoticed.

Human beings are always developing, physically and mentally, but it’s in the stages prior to the adult age that this growth is more visible. According to Marcia Karine, psychologist and University professor, just like a body injure during the first years of life can cause chronic problems to individuals, psychological trauma can lead to serious issues. “Children don’t have emotional experience to deal with bad situations, which impacts on how their brains work”

Data presented by the World Health Organization shows that one in every five children has some sort of mental disorder, and the cases of depression have doubled in the last decade. “Bullying, violence and sexual abuse are most commonly known for traumatizing the little ones, but it’s necessary to be attentive to excessive screen time and lack of affection from close people. These cause a feeling of lack of trust and lack in general, and may bring many socialization and development problems”

The most important factor when taking care of kids’ mental health is to provide a healthy and peaceful environment. Besides, encouraging independence and creativity from an early age has very positive effects. “Some of the main problems faced by children are: not trusting adults, anxiety and insecurity. All of these may grow into psychosis and depression. Many people believe that raising a child properly takes having good money, but the truth is, even in poverty, for example, it’s possible to give them encouragement and teach resilience and optimism. Be careful not to put them under too much pressure or ask too much of them. Us, parents, are not perfect and our kids aren’t either. When we help them grow well, we improve ourselves too”

Originally published by Guia do Bebê (

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