Metal vs. Solid Wood Bunk Beds: What You Need To Know

For many families with children who share rooms, bunk beds are fun and practical pieces of furniture. Bunk beds save precious space and make the bedroom look cool and whimsical.
If you’ve decided to get a bunk bed, choose a sturdy frame in a design that fits your family’s lifestyle. Let’s look at what you need to know to compare metal and solid wood bunk beds.
The primary point to consider when selecting a bunk bed frame is safety. If you have a very young or small child, you should buy a smaller bunk bed frame to prevent high, dangerous falls. The top bunk should be well-designed with a protective guard rail.
You also need to choose a stable frame. Solid wood bunk beds are heavier than metal bunk beds, making them sturdier than metal frames. Your children’s solid wood bunk bed won’t wobble or shake when your kids climb in and out or play around.
Another key point to consider when comparing metal and solid wood bunk beds is durability. For projects that require extreme durability, metal is an attractive option.
While metal has greater durability as a raw material, solid wood bunk beds are built to last. We apply a child-safe, water-based finish that protects the wood and brings out its natural beauty. Our solid wood bunk bed will withstand years of rambunctious kid use and still look beautiful.
Another consideration when choosing between metal and solid wood bunk bed frames is style. This is a matter of personal preference and depends on your taste, your children’s preferences, and the bedroom’s aesthetic. You can also consider separate bed accessories, such as attachable storage, that influence the bunk bed’s look.
In general, metal bunk beds have a sleeker profile, while solid wood has a warmer and more natural look. The solid wood look fits traditional design as well as contemporary design that emphasizes organic beauty.
Furnish With Simply Kids Room
It’s easy to see how a solid wood bed frame compares to its metal counterpart. When you buy a solid wood kid’s bed from Simply Kids Room, you’re buying the best. Our family-owned business practices sustainability, and we build our frames with 100 percent pine wood from a renewable forest. Choose one of our beautiful, durable, and eco-friendly beds today.